Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 30 - Egg Pick Up

Day 30. Saturday. Egg Collection Day.

It worked out beautifully that it wasn't on a work day as I was dreading the whole "what convincing lie can I come up with to have a sick day". Plus my husband was able to come to the appointment without any fuss.

We arrived at 8.35am and we met the nurse where I filled out more forms and collected my Crinone gel. Crinone helps to prepare the uterus lining and is applied vaginally. I was hoping I wouldn't have to be prodding or jabbing myself anymore, but there you go. I was starving from having to fast and skip breakfast, and my stomach growled the whole way upstairs to theatre. Here's an interesting side note, I was told not wear perfume, deodorant or any smelly stuff, so I didn't even wash my hair. But I've since discovered that aerosol perfumes are not embryo friendly.

 Hubby waited for me while I went into my little change room to change into my gown, hairnet and booties. As I had a "rear-ventilated" gown, I was also given a modesty blanket, which was massive, and you could hear me giggling as I struggled to drape the blanket like a toga, dragging it down the corridor with my giant handbag and belongings in the other hand. Very dignified.

I sat in the chair next my husband and the embryologist came to see us. She briefly explained the process, how she would check for the eggs during the procedure, and we would know how many fertilised by the next day. Hubby was called away for the sample. And then the anaesthetist came to talk to me and I answered all the medical questions. Then at around 9.40am, I was whisked away to theatre where my Fertility Specialist was waiting.

I walked in and two nurses were there to help me with my gown. They asked me if I'd done this before and I said, "No, this is my first time." "Well, you're a virgin then!" And I said,"Yes, please be in gentle."  My Fertility Specialist commented on my difficult follicles, but I reassured him that I gave them a good pep talk and told them not to be scared of him. He he, good for a giggle.

There were about 5 people in theatre, and they were all bustling around me while I lay on the table. The Anaesthetist put the needle in my hand and I was off to sleepyland. I woke up in the recovery room at around 10.40am with an oxygen mask on my face, very drowsy, just wanted to sleep. They rang my husband to come and get me and then they wheeled me into a little cubicle with a TV. Now, when my husband arrived, I remember him clearly coming into the cubicle and we chatted about what he did for the last hour or two and what was on TV. My husbands version of events went a bit differently, apparently I stared blankly at him a lot and had trouble stringing words together. The nurses brought in a toasted sandwich and a cup of tea, and I was allowed to leave at around 11.40am. So we were probably there for 3 hours in total. The nurses told me that they collected 5 eggs.

I felt okay in the hospital laying down. Once I stood up, I started to feel a bit woozy, but still okay. But during the 45 minute car ride home, I felt like absolute rubbish. I felt terribly hung over, the car was too hot, then it was too cold. I got cold sweats and I could feel the toastie wanting to come back up again. At one point I grabbed my husband's hat and said I was going to throw up in it, but "Don't stop the car! I just want to get home!"

I put myself straight to bed when I got home and couldn't really bring myself to eat anything else. I slept most of the afternoon. Had a light tea, my antibiotic and then the Crinone before bed. I felt very crampy and sensitive around my abdomen and had two hot packs, but luckily was able to sleep it off.

The day after...
I woke up feeling quite good. I was less crampy but still sensitive. I still felt a little drowsy. I couldn't do much, I found that I had to rest after doing 30 minutes of housework. I had a few naps. 

I called the embryologist in the afternoon and found out all 5 eggs were fertilised. Woo hoo! Hubby was strutting around the house, so proud. That was a big relief. 

So now we wait for news on the Transfer Day. 


  1. Good news!
    Thanks for blogging all this - we are about to start in March so it's good to read what you're doing a little while before I have to do it too.


    1. Hi Emma, good luck with everything in March. It's not so bad, now that I'm doing it. But I was really dreading it leading up to it. Cheers.

  2. Wow that is great news. So far so good :-)

    I'm another one getting ready to start in March for my first IVF. I have an apt to meet with my FS on 8th March to kick things off eeek.

    Except in my info booklet I was told I am awake for the procedure and my husband can sit in the room with me. Did you ask to be put to sleep for the egg collection?

    Wishing (EB)

    1. Hi Wishing! Yes, So far so good :)

      No, I didn't ask to be put to sleep. It is a pretty invasive procedure and I wouldn't want to be awake for it, as they insert a *cross your legs* a fine needle through the vaginal wall to suck out the follicle fluid, guided by an ultrasound.

      However, there is no anesthetic for the embryo transfer. Hubby can sit in the room with you. It's all very similar to an IUI or pap smear, but in a more sterile environment.

      Hope that helps.

      Ms.C (EB)

    2. I know.. that's what scares me about it. I have read up on the procedure. My FS said if I can handle a HyCoSy then this will be a piece of cake.. still the thought of a needle going in scares me.. And he said if it gets too much they will give me enough sedative to put me to sleep for a little bit ;-)
      You should be due for the transfer soon right?

    3. Well I can't say if you should ask for the sedative. My FS said that couldn't get at my follicles because they were up a bit higher on the left, which meant he really prodded in there to get to them. He said he couldn't have done it if I wasn't asleep. However, you're FS may be a pro with the ultrasound. Mine could only find 1 follie on my first scan...and I magically had 11 the next day.
      I've had a HSG, which I think is similar to HyCoSy but it uses xray, not ultrasound. I thought that was okay, but I can't really compare the two procedures. I would say you just need to trust your FS at this stage.

  3. Wow how exciting for you, we went to concept and had the appointment with the nurse finally after reading your blog the other week. We probably start in April/May
    I have all my fingers crossed for you.... Good Luck


    1. Thank you MJ. If nothing else, this cycle will be a good practice run.
