Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 28 - The Trigger Shot

Today I went in for my blood test and ultrasound to check how my follicles were going. I was expecting egg collection to be happening some time soon, so I was thought I best see the nurse for my trigger shot (Ovidrel) as well, just in case.

I didn't get to see the Ovary Whisperer this time, and I really noticed the difference. This guy was a lot more gentle than the first doctor, but he didn't spend much time explaining anything, he just rattled off the numbers to the nurse. But I heard him say there were a couple of follicles at 22mm and a few from 16 - 18mm, so things were looking good. The left side was hard for him to see as well. I mean I know these things are small...but where could they be hiding?

I went in to see the nurse to ask her about my trigger shot. She gave me the pack and my information sheet. I couldn't remember if I had taken my morning Synarel dose, so I asked her if it was okay if I missed it. She told me I should probably go home and take it, because I wouldn't want to risk my eggs escaping in ovulation before they could get collected by the doctor. Aargh! So my panic levels go up a little. I said to her, "I live an hour away and I only work five minutes down the road." She looked at me blankly as if to say"...and? How is that my problem?" Grrrrr! Anger levels rising. Just give me an emergency dose or something lady!!!! And then she said,"We don't want you to lose your eggs before we have a chance to get to them first." Sigh. She was right. I was already investing enough time and money into this whole process, what's an extra 2 hours out of my day. I would hate it if the whole thing went to crap because I didn't want to drive home and back to the city again.

So I got in my car, I was already a bit annoyed and stressed that I would have to fight all that traffic again. I had to take a few deep breaths and just accept that's what I had to do. I got home, put the Ovidrel in the fridge, sprayed up my nose, grabbed a banana and was out the door again.

The nurse called me just before 3pm and she said, "You're ready for theatre." I was so excited to hear that! Things were progressing. Good news. She ran through the instructions for me. I take my trigger shot (Ovidrel) at precisely 9.45pm tonight, exactly 36 hours before egg collection. Ovidrel is used to trigger the release of the egg from the follicle (ovulation). I also start taking my antibiotic twice a day with food. I start fasting tomorrow night and need to be at the clinic at 8.45am for egg collection on Saturday morning. It's the first time I've ever had to go into hospital for any procedure. It's a bit scary, not sure what to expect, but I'm feeling positive! We're actually doing this!

And then I had my acupuncture appointment this afternoon. (My acupuncturists are absolute legends. More about them later) This would be my last appointment before egg collection. My next appointment would be right after they transfer the embryo (if they fertilise) back in. And then he told me that after my appointment I was to go home and put on my favourite funny movie. That's the best thing that's been prescribed so far! But the reason was because when a baby is conceived naturally (that means sex, people) you've usually had a great time and a whole bunch of endorphins are released afterwards. So going home to watch a topless Ryan Gosling recreating a dirty dancing moment will essentially have the same effect. Sigh. Can't wait! I'll make sure to take home my fave chocolate bar as well...just to kick start those endorphins.


  1. How exciting - good luck for saturday morning :)

    I totally get how it sucks to have to turn back around and then go back to work again but its all for good reason.

    1. Thank you! I think I'm prepared...but we'll see :)

  2. Hi there MsConception, i noticed your post on BH and your note re your blog, so thought i would have a read, well written,congratulations. It's nice to follow your story, i thought about keeping a journal of my experience too however there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. I am in Sydney, 37, first ICSI cycle this month, I am on day 4 of injections with first BT for Monday,it so strange going through this, I guess you think it would never happen to you. Im ok, DP has low count, anyway, keeping positive and also having acupuncture! Good luck and look forward to hearing your story, all the best. Sunshine1974 on BH

  3. Hi Sunshine1974, thanks for the comment. Yes, I am treating this like my journal. I noticed on the forums that a lot of ladies know all the significant dates of their fertility journeys, and I could barely remember what happened or when my 2nd or 3rd IUI was. So before I started my first IVF cycle, I decided I wanted to remember everything that happens this time and actually committed myself to this blog. It's also a great way to "vent" and be heard. Infertility can be a pretty lonely road sometimes. See you around on the forums maybe :)
