Friday 3 February 2012

Day 15 - Enter the next phase

Okay. So let's recap. It has been 15 days since I met with the Nurse Coordinator and started taking Synarel.

LMP - Last Menstrual Period
Usually a normal person would start Synarel and they would get their period within the first 10 days. I only just got mine today! My acupuncturist  reassured me that it was normal for Synarel to delay your period. And as I ovulated so late in my normal cycle, it was normal for me to have delayed for 5 days.

I started spotting last night, and I noticed my period is a little different than usual. It's definitely a lot lighter in colour and flow. Cramping is a lot worse. That may not mean the same thing for you though, because I rarely experience PMS symptoms at all. So a little bit of cramping is quite a new thing for me.

Hot Flushes
So one of the side effects of Synarel is hot flushes. I was told that you experience menopausal symptoms when taking Synarel. So I was picturing a red, sweaty face and a thin, blouse clinging to my sweaty bosoms. That's what happens in the movies isn't it? The reality is, your core body temperature increases. And the best way to tell is when you still feel hot in a cold room.

Now, I live in Perth and it's the middle of summer with 38°C days, so it was a little difficult for me to tell the difference. However, since starting Synarel 15 days ago, there have been a few nights where I woke up because I had over heated. I was so physically hot, that I had to sleep like a starfish. I couldn't sleep on my side, because I got too hot with my legs together. I also noticed that (Gross-out Alert!) when I went to wipe myself on the toilet, my nether regions know, WTF? My lady giblets were radiating heat. I'm pretty confident that's not normal, even for 38°C days.

The Next Phase
So what next? As today is Day 1 in my menstrual cycle, I start giving myself Gonal F injections tomorrow. Scary! Hubby starts taking anti-biotics today. I've booked in for my next blood test in 8 days.
I think this is the phase that pumps up those eggs, ready for harvesting!

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