Wednesday 11 May 2011

Hitting another pot hole

The other night I went to visit my naturopath to restock on my herbals and vitamins. Now, my naturopath is a lovely lady who has the gift of the gab. Her only trouble is knowing when to stop sharing that gift with others. I found that I would only answer her with one word because I was afraid any more would incite more conversation.

When I first started seeing her I found she was always so positive, and she really helped turn me around when I started to slip into my little cloud of despair. She had a lot of confidence about my situation and told me stories of her other clients that she had helped to fall pregnant. But on this occasion, it was just a bit too much for me.

She told me about a woman who had ovarian cysts and one month after taking her herbals, she fell pregnant! She then discovered that her cysts had miraculously vanished during a following check up. She was over the moon. She felt she could pass her good fortune on to a friend of hers who had just suffered a stillbirth at 36 weeks. She gave her friend the rest of her herbals, which resulted in her falling pregnant a few months after that.

I really did not know what to say when she was finished. I think I just nodded dumbly, because God knows I didn’t want her to keep talking. But honestly, what sort of a reaction could anyone expect of me? Of course I wish these women the best of luck, but their stories had no personal meaning for me whatsoever.

Instead, all I could hear was that these two women – who had genuine, diagnosed health issues – were falling pregnant in less than 3 months of miracle herbs and I wasn’t. FIVE MONTHS I’ve been doing this!! Hubby tells me that my naturopath was sharing this story so I could see that she has successfully helped infertile women fall pregnant before and she could do the same for me. Sorry, no! It had the opposite effect. If two women with obvious health problems are getting pregnant and I’m not – obviously this means that there’s something more seriously wrong with me and no one knows what it is. Which only lands me back in square one, not knowing where to go and what to try next.

Everything always leads back to the same question: If I’m perfectly healthy, why can’t I fall pregnant?

The road so far…

Let me paint you a very quick picture.

It has been 2 years and 6 months since I went off my contraceptive pill. After about 12 months of regular periods, one pathetic false alarm, no pregnancy and a LOT of “trying” – I decided to visit the family doctor. He recommended we see a fertility specialist. For the next 3 months we both underwent numerous tests and passed each one with flying colours. Of course that just meant there was no reason why I couldn’t fall pregnant.  This non-result did not fill me with the greatest confidence. The next step was an IUI. After 2 failed procedures, I thought we should try other avenues. A friend recommended I try naturopathy, and 6 months later you find me here, writing this blog, instead of falling pregnant.

That’s our story in a nutshell. It doesn’t seem that extraordinary when it’s summed up like that, but there is a lot to read between the lines.