Saturday 11 February 2012

Day 22 - First Blood Test

The nurse range me with my result for my first blood test. My (Estrogen? E2?) levels are at 750, which apparently isn't as high as the Fertility Specialist would like. The doctor has increased my Gonal-f dosage to 187.5 and I need to go in on Monday for my next blood test and ultra sound. I'm annoyed at myself for not asking the nurse what my levels should be. I'll have to remember to ask on Monday.

I'm a bit worried about this cycle now. Are my levels too low? Will this cycle be cancelled? My husband tells me to stop stressing and trust that the doctor knows what he's doing. Well, did he know what he was doing in my last cancelled IUI cycle? Could he even explain why my body responded to Femara like that? No.

I had a quick look on the forums at Essential Baby, and read a few other posts about slow rising E2 levels, which sounded similar to mine. Their levels were much lower because their cycles were a bit longer, which means it takes a longer time for the levels to rise before it reached the ovulation stage. So, now I'm thinking that 750 might be normal for me, as I have a 30-31 day cycle.

I can't be sure, but it makes me feel better :)


  1. you sound like me. I over analyse everything. But we do it because we want to know what is happening and know that things are being done right. Best of luck for this cycle. Can you call your clinic and ask what they think your levels should be rather than waiting?

  2. Yeah, I do over analyse things sometimes. But I'm a control freak! I sometimes prefer to wait for the next appointment to give me some time to digest it because I will always come up with more questions afterwards. But IVF is so unpredictable, I just have to find a way to ride the storm.
