Saturday 30 June 2012

20 weeks - It's a Boy!

20 week scan - little baby boy.

So we've had our 20 week scan and discovered the flavour of the baby is Blueberry!!

In a way, it's not really a surprise because both my husband and I come from families with lots of boys. I'm the only girl in a family of 3 boys. So, I had suspected that there would be a little boy sprout in there. However, my husband had convinced me that we could be having a girl. He had no real reason why, but he's had a good track record of predicting the sex of all his nephews and I was leaning towards a little girl. He had also already named her. As our surname begins with F, he wanted to name her Ivy...which, when you say her name with the initial, it says I-vy F (IVF). I thought it was funny at the time, but I actually grew accustomed to it. I even started picturing little Ivy and all the cute dresses I would be buying her.

But alas, 'tis a little boy for us. And we're happy.

Fetal movements
Earlier that morning of the ultrasound, I felt the baby partying around 4am. It was the first time hubby had felt him move. He couldn't believe how active he was and how strong the movements were. I had felt regular movement for a few days before that, but it was always hard to explain or for him to catch them. So little Blueberry kept partying until I fell back asleep around 5am.

The ultrasound
So, we went to get the ultrasound. I didn't have to have a full bladder, in fact they said for it not to be full, I just had to be well hydrated.  I wore my stretchy maternity pants and a button up shirt for easy ultrasound access.  The goop was spread over my belly, and we discovered that the little bean was tired from all the partying he'd done that morning and was sleeping in a ball facing down. This meant it was hard to see his face, so the nurse(?) kept poking and prodding my belly trying to get him to turn around. Nope. Not budging. I had to lie on my side. Still nothing. I coughed. Still nothing. Then she asked me to get up, hold my shirt up and shake my belly around to get him to move...stubborn little blighter, I think he curled into an even tighter ball! So stubborn!!

We didn't get the 4D (I'm not sure what the 4th dimension is) scan. It wasn't offered, they only do it if there's a diagnostic cause, like if there were physical deformities they needed to check. Our other option was to go to another non-medical company and pay $250 for 4D pictures, but as we can't claim that back on Medicare we decided to give it a miss. As it was, the ultrasound cost $250, but we at least got at least $100 back from Medicare, so it's not that bad.