Sunday 5 February 2012

Day 17 - Sniffing and injecting drugs

I conquered the Gonal-F injection yesterday! I have to say that this is the part (or ONE of the parts) that I was dreading about this whole cycle. The thought of having to inject myself in the stomach…(shudder).

Thankfully it all comes in a very convenient little pen, with very easy to follow instructions and accompanying DVD. Needless to say, I was incredibly nervous about my first injection. I read the instruction booklet, and then watched the DVD (which wasn't any more enlightening). I prepared my "drug administration bench". This is where I keep the nasal spray and it's right next to the fridge where I keep the Gonal-F. I had my cotton wool, tissues, syringe disposal unit, Gonal-F pack and I lay it all out on paper towel.

When I took the cap off the needle, I immediately thought I would puncture my internal organs - it was that long! Luckily I enough layer of fat to protect my precious innards. But it honestly did not hurt! I was expecting it to be something similar to getting a needle in my arm, or even getting a blood test. But it's much less painful than that.

So, look at me now! Confident needle user and drug sniffer. Now that's something to write home about.

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