Monday 13 February 2012

Day 25 - Second Blood Test, First Ultra Sound

This morning I had my follow up blood test and my ultra sound to check how my little follicles were going. I was feeling pretty optimistic. I was sure my levels would have increased like they should have. Just had to wait and see.

My Fertility Specialist (FS) performed the ultra sound today and I can't say he was too gentle. It made me very squirmy and uncomfortable. The ultra sound didn't sound very promising. The FS asked me about my previous blood test results and said it didn't look very good as he could only find one follicle on my right ovary. There were none on my left. You would normally expect at least 4 or 5 good follicles in order to proceed with IVF, but this lonely little follicle wasn't really going to cut it. He started talking about cancelling the cycle and making another appointment to work out what the next course of action would be. But first he would wait for my second blood test results that afternoon before he made up his mind.

I was very brave when he first told me, but it quickly disappeared when I got in my car. I couldn't call my husband to tell him, I had to send him a text, and it still got the tears flowing. I had to make a detour to the coffee shop on the way to work, just to buy myself some time to collect myself. That was it. Over. Cancelled. Try again next month. I was gutted. I was facing another failure.

I really didn't want to answer the nurse's phone call during work that afternoon. But she wasn't delivering the bad news I was expecting. She told me my Estrogen levels had increased to 2900, which is definitely a good sign. I ducked into the empty meeting room so I could ask her a few more questions. Yes, 750 from last Friday was low, but those 750 alone still indicates that there could be at least 2 follicles there. And levels of 2900 indicates that there could be 2 or 3 decent sized follicles, or there could be 6 smaller follicles. That's why they need to do a scan, to check how many there are and how big they are. My husband and I joked that I must have one gigantic follicle growing on my right ovary. Not so funny if it actually turned out to be true though!

So I went from coasting along on optimism, plummeted down to the depths of despair and then shot up again to the dizzying heights of hope again. It's an exhausting ride.

Hopefully my ultrasound just works out OK tomorrow.

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