Wednesday 14 September 2011

Round 2 begins

So, as I mentioned previously, we had decided to go back to Concept Fertility Centre, due to the dismal result I received with my attempts with naturopathy. At the time, I was hitting rock bottom.

I just could not get my head around the idea that we were both medically fit and healthy, and "there was no reason why we couldn't conceive." I sometimes wished that the doctor hadn't actually told us that. Sometimes it felt as though it would have been easier to deal with if I actually HAD a reason/cause that prevented me from having babies. At least that way, I could attack the situation and deal with it and get some bloody RESULTS!

But I digress, it was actually a phone call to my dad that helped get me back on track again. He was the one that suggested it could be a mental thing that was holding us back. This made a lot of sense to me. Physically we were fighting fit...but mentally? Perhaps I needed a bit of a work in that area.

So I did! I worked on refocusing my energy and changing my outlook. I really worked on viewing the possibility of IVF as resulting in a baby...and not a $20,000 debt. It changed me. Because that had always been my secret fear, not being able to cope with the financial stress and the repeated failures. Now, I have to focus on working towards a positive end result.

Like the doctor said, "there's no reason why you can't."

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Back to the fertility drawing board

So, around August I decided it was probably time to go back to Concept to see what the doctor says. A quick trip to the GP for a new referral and couple of check up blood tests later, we find ourselves back where we left off.

An IUI was scheduled and it was all done and dusted last weekend. I'm always a bit apprehensive beforehand where Hubby's involvement is concerned, as he's not the biggest fan of medical, fiddly bits. But he was pretty supportive with very little resistance, so that put me at ease a little. He comes in during the turkey basting procedure and reads a magazine or watches me squirm uncomfortably on the table. Yeah, it seemed a little weird at first, but I'm glad he's there while I have to lay there for 20 minutes afterwards because it helps me keep my game face on.

We both enjoyed a fantastic breakfast at the cafe down the road afterwards, and that helped to lift the mood a little. And the weekend carried on...

And now the wait...I don't normally go in for the pregnancy blood test, I just wait it out to see if nature takes it's course. But I might do it this time. It will save me the expectant wait which peaks around Day 27. Oh! Those last days suck so bad!