Meet Jane Blogs

That's me. No, that's not my actual name, but yes I am the blogger.

I was 8 years old when my mum had my little brother. He was so cute with his curly black hair and his big brown eyes. I loved helping my mum change his nappy and feed him. I remember teaching him how to swim and catch a ball. Then my mum had my youngest brother 7 years later, and I got to go through it all over again! I really have a lot of fond memories about them when they were young.

I feel like their second mother. So, I've think I've always known that I wanted to be a mother with a family of my own someday. That was always the game plan.

During my twenties, I was always very responsible and cautious. When my husband and I first started dating, my mother pulled me aside and gave the talk about the pill. That woman is so embarrassing! But I assured her, that I had already sorted that out thanks!

There I was, a young woman fighting back unwanted pregnancy. I look back at my younger self and I just want to shake her and say just stay off the pill! It's not going to do you any favours!! And to think of those few pregnancy scares....I WISH I could have a real pregnancy scare these days!

Now that we've established that I want children, I want to reiterate that I want children of my own. I'm actually quite awkward around little kids. I just don't know what to do with them. Having said that, I actually do love being with my older brother's kids. I just find myself standing there with wide eyes and shoulders shrugging. I'm not desperate for a child, I just want a child who is mine and my husbands. So I think that cancels out adoption.

UPDATE : January 2013
Our little boy finally arrived in November 2012. He is the perfect specimen and I'm loving being a mum.

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