Friday, 2 March 2012

The Dreaded Two Week Wait (TWW)

Tomorrow I will be finding out the impending failure or success of this last cycle. I'm a bit nervous, but I'll be happy to find know either way. Things have been a bit crazy the last week. We found out we would be moving interstate for Mr.C's new job on the day of the transfer, which is extremely exciting for us. I also had an old school friend stay with me, so I haven't had much time to focus on the TWW. So, what have I been doing since transfer day?

Post transfer
I went straight back to work the next day. It's a boring office job, so I figured that would be okay. My spacehopper had receded, but it was still a sensitive area, so it forced me to take it easy over that weekend as well. Besides the constipation from the Crinone, I don't remember feeling any other side effects. Well, I did emotionally terrorise my husband with crying outbursts for one morning. But that's pretty much it.

It was great to catch up with my friend. We planned a whole day at the day spa. I had a massage, then we got our nails done. It was just what I needed. The masseuse said I was incredibly tense. I was also on a mission working out the logistics of moving our dogs interstate, one who is so big, they don't have a travel crate big enough to fit him! So that kept me occupied for a while.

And then a couple of days ago, things kind of quietened down, and I noticed some cramping and a little bit of stomach pain. That's when I hit the internet. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any definitive answers on what sort of symptoms you can expect after a transfer. What I really wanted to know was, will it be my normal cycle (30 days)? Or will it be shorter/longer because of meds? How do I know if I'm feeling pregnancy symptoms or Crinone symptoms? One thing I did discover was that a lot of the symptoms I felt really are Crinone side effects. The bloating, the nausea, light headedness, short of breath.

While I didn't find the answers to those specific questions, I did find some interesting information on what to do post transfer and during the TWW.
  • Vaginal bleeding may occur before you are due for your pregnancy test. Although this is very disappointing, it does not always mean that treatment was unsuccessful. You should continue using the progesterone until there is a full period and/or the blood test results are known. At the same time, the progesterone itself may delay your period, and this does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. (Click here for more info)
  • Crinone should last you two weeks from EPU, and most women will not get their periods whilst taking Crinone during that time anyway.
  • Don't do strenuous or aerobic activity for at least 48 hours after transfer. 
  • No sexual intercourse for at least a week afterwards (I've found contradicting evidence on that one. Some centres say there is no harm at all, and some encourage it. The sooner the better!)
  • Avoid overheating and try to avoid excessive rises in body temperature (eg. spas, saunas, hot baths, sunbathing)
  • Just behave as though you are already pregnant to be safe.
So, it leaves me just waiting for my results tomorrow. I will be disappointed if it's a negative, but I've actually enjoyed learning so much more about the whole process. My husband is quite confident it will be positive, but I'm a bit more cautious. I've made plans for either way.


  1. Good luck for today - all my fingers are crossed. I know I won't be able to help myself when my time comes (and I have 40 pregnancy tests to use up) I'll be poas before the due time! My DP is convinced we'll get it right first time - I'm not so sure and am trying to curb his enthusiasm a bit.

    What state are you moving to?

    Em x

    1. We're moving to ACT for hubby's new job. I'm originally from the East coast, so I'm looking forward to going back.

  2. Look forward to hearing your news hoping its positive! Had my ET today feels strange, just taking it easy relaxing at home! Sunshine

    1. Still waiting for the phone call! Starting to play tricks on my mind! Will probably call soon. ET really is the best excuse to chill out. It's nice to do once in a while :)
