Saturday 23 February 2013

My labour story: The gory details

Dear Junior C,

Well Little One, this is the story of how you came into this world. I was stressed to the max, waiting in anticipation for your arrival. I was worried that your Nana would totally miss out on seeing you, and she would fly back to New Zealand "empty handed".

It was one day past your due date, and I went to bed early as it was exhausting carrying you around all day. I woke around 2am. As I shifted you in my belly to my other side, I felt a little trickle. I rushed to the toilet and confirmed that my waters had broken. But I was still a little unsure if I was in labour because there was no "show" yet. So I went back to bed and could feel contractions straight away. They weren't too bad, they were only 10 minutes apart. I must have laid there in bed for 2 hours, counting my contractions. The bloody show made it's appearance around 4.30am.

At 5am, I got up and waddled around the living room. I decided to call the hospital and get their advice. I spoke to the nurse while I bounced on the exercise ball. She told me to get ready and come into the hospital so they could check me and my progress. There was no rush. So I pottered around the house, getting my bags ready (and more importantly - my snacks!)

Daddy was still faaaast asleeep.

Daddy woke up around 6am and he laid in bed playing on his mobile (as usual).
I said to him, "Get up Lazy!"
He yawned and said, "Whhyyy?"
"'Cause we're going to the hospital."
"What for?"
" have a baby!"
"Oh! NOW?!"
"Yes. But please, have a shower first."

We got to the hospital around 8am and we were shown to the labour ward. It was a nice big room, with my own bathroom. The mid wife checked me, and confirmed that I was indeed in labour. I was 3cm dilated. How exciting!

I got to strip down (yet again) and get into my sexy hospital gown. We were there in time for morning tea, so I got to enjoy some cake and a cup of tea. Daddy was timing my contractions using an app that I had downloaded the week before. But not much was happening, so we were moved down to my post natal ward to wait until my labour had progressed a bit more. Daddy and I watched some terrible daytime TV. We were laughing and making jokes. The nurse told us I was enjoying myself too much, so I must still be in the early stages. She said, "Call me when you stop laughing!"

We were there for a while and it got quite boring...until around 1pm. Things were getting a bit more intense. Contractions were coming every 5 minutes. And there were getting stronger and lasting longer. By 3pm, I was straddled over the top of the bed. I wanted to see my nurse. I wasn't laughing anymore. I was hyperventilating. My whole lower body was tingling and I could barely feel my legs. She gave me some oxygen. She checked me again and said I was 6cm dilated. I was progressing well. She asked if I wanted any drugs for the pain. But I declined because she told me labour would probably only take another 4 hours max. I thought, "Sure! I can handle that!"

Well...I lasted an hour. I asked for drugs. I opted for pethidine. She injected it into my shoulder and I was off with the fairies! It felt like I was floating outside of my body. I could feel the contractions coming, but I would "pass out" half way through and forget to breathe. Daddy had to hold me and walk me around the room because I couldn't hold myself up. I couldn't even sit up in bed!

I couldn't remember the next hour very well. But around 6pm, the nurse came back in to check my cervix. I hadn't dilated in 3 hours. I was still only 6cm. My labour had stalled, contractions were slowing down. And you were getting very distressed because you couldn't get out. Daddy was watching your heart rate on the monitor and it shot through the roof at every contraction.

The nurses left the room and contacted my obstetrician. The doctor came into the room around 7.30pm. He told us that because labour had stalled, he didn't know how much longer labour would take. I could have been there for another 8 hours! And even then, you may not have made any more progress. Also, due to the shape of my pelvis, your little head was just not going to fit. "It was like trying to fit a round peg, through a square hole." And besides, my body was giving up. You were getting very distressed. It was time for you to come out.

So we signed the forms for an emergency cesarean. I was wheeled off to theatre. Daddy was made to wait outside while they put the spinal block in. It took them a good 20 minutes because the anesthetist couldn't find the right spot...(mummy has a crooked spine). It was incredibly challenging trying to arch my back like a hissing cat when I had a big beach ball belly in my way!

I was laid flat on the table. A curtain was put up over my chest and daddy was called in. He stood next me, by my shoulders. I couldn't feel anything below my waist because of the spinal block. But I could feel the doctor tugging and rummaging around. He asked me to give one push (which made me giggle because I couldn't feel it). He told daddy to get his camera ready, and then he lifted you out and held you up for daddy to see. You were born at 9.34pm.

I heard you cry, but I didn't get to see you straight away. Daddy went with the nurse to weigh you and cut your umbilical cord. Then they brought you back and I got to see your swollen little face. Daddy took you back to my room and I had to spend another 45 minutes in recovery before I could see you again.

When I got to my room, daddy put you in my arms. You were so tiny! Which is funny because you felt really big inside my belly!!

And there you go. You were a healthy baby boy, who loved to sleep and eat. You're 3 months now, and I've already forgotten how bad the gory details were. Lucky you've made up for it by now!

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