Sunday, 29 January 2012

My first IVF Cycle begins

I'm currently on Day 10 in my IVF cycle.

I've been taking Synarel since my meeting with the Nurse Coordinator on 20 January. I spray Synarel once in each nostril in the morning and at night for 7 days. It goes down the back of my throat and doesn't leave the most pleasant taste. Then two days ago (Day 8), I cut my sprays back to one spray in the morning and night. You can find out more info about Synarel here.

I did feel quite moody the other weekend, just after I started taking Synarel. I was hyper sensitive, I just felt really glum and I had to force myself to function that day. And I know it was the most pathetic things that set me off. But it lead me to start worrying about the whole IVF process. "Will it be successful?" "How are we going to afford it?" So many questions. When my husband got home from work, he came to give me a hug because I obviously looked so gloomy, and I nearly burst into tears. But then the next day I was right as rain.

PMS or Chemical Side Effects?
The other night I was laying on my bed clutching my abdomen, crying "Ow! My ovary hurts!" I also noticed this morning, I had a few little sharp twinges in the same spot. Hhhmm...not sure what that meant. Then I realised, of course, it means I'm about to have my period. I was thinking so much about chemical side effects, I'd forgotten about PMS. Then I thought, was I just super sensitive because of PMS or drugs? I dunno.

Now, my menstrual cycle is normally 30 days, and I'm approaching Day 31. I'm usually pretty regular, but Synarel has probably delayed my period. As I'm on Day 10 in my IVF cycle and my period still hasn't come, I expect I will have to go in for some blood tests. And then my next round of drugs should be starting soon.

Tomorrow I'll be contacting the nurse to find out what bloods I need to do and what my next step will be. I'm excited, but nervous at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. ivf treatment
    A first IVF pattern is often effective at a top excellent application. Unfortunately, many partners will not have effective first pattern IVF outcomes and will need to consider a second pattern of in vitro fertilizing.
